Check out this guide for tips on using Community Transit's online Maps & Schedules
Our Maps & Schedules tools can help you find a ride with full route maps and complete bus schedules to help with your trip planning.
Maps & Schedules has two main ways to search for a bus route:
Search for a route
You can search for a route using the search box. If you know your route or stop number you can enter it here. You can also search using an address or current location to see what route options are nearby.
View all routes
Or you can click the View all Maps & Schedules by Route link under the search box to see a complete list of all of Community Transit's bus routes. Click on a route to open the page for that route where you can view maps and schedules and print them.
Our route pages have a number of different features to help with your trip planning.
Above: an example of a bus route schedule page
The start and end points for the route you're viewing will be displayed in the top left corner. Use the arrows button to switch the points to see the schedule for traveling in the opposite direction.
When you first arrive at a route page you will be shown the Schedule view. This will display our classic route map on the right and a table view of the route stops below.
Click the Real-Time button to view an interactive route map that also shows real-time locations of buses on the route and when they will arrive at a stop. Check our Find My Bus How-to Guide for more tips on using our real-time bus info.
Use the drop-down menus to change the schedule information displayed on the route page.
Use the Expand button on the bottom edge of the classic map to show the entire route map when the page is in Schedule view.
When in Schedule view, click on a stop name in the table to view that specific stop on a map, what routes serve that stop, and when the next buses will be arriving.
To print or save a customized schedule:
Additional print options
Click the "More Settings" link to create a printout with a combination of weekday, Saturday, or Sunday schedules, or select all three. Reminder: selecting multiple days will increase the number of pages to print.
You can save your most-used routes as favorites for easy reference.
To save a route:
View Your Favorites:
Click "View All Favorites" at the top of the column to see and manage your saved routes.
To see all of Community Transit's bus routes on an interactive map, click the "Systemwide Map" link below the search box on the main Maps & Schedules page
Tips for viewing the Systemwide Map:
FAQ ideas:
Contact our Customer Care team for expert assistance. We can answer your questions, address concerns, provide personalized trip planning, and even supply printed route maps and schedules.
Planning your next bus trip has never been easier! Community Transit's trip planner simplifies travel in Snohomish County.
Enter your starting point, destination, and time to get custom routes, real-time arrivals, and transfer details. Tailor your trip and easily print or share your plan to stay prepared.
Plan My Trip is our online trip planning tool. With it, you can enter in your starting point or current location, select where you want to go, and the tool will let you know what bus routes or modes of transportation will get you there with several different trip options to let you select the best one for your needs. Additional features let you customize certain aspects of your trip.
When you first open the Plan My Trip tool, you'll see the trip planning input module in a light blue box, and a map ready to display your trip results once you enter in your start and end points of your destination.
The quickest way to get started with planning your trip is to enter your trip's start and end points into the form fields. You may use addresses, transit stops, stations, or landmarks as points for your trip or use your current location from your location-enabled device.
Enter your trip's starting point into the top input field, and the end point into the bottom field.
Once you have entered valid start and end points for your trip, the Plan My Trip tool will display up to five different transit options to get you where you want to go.
Tips for trip planning results:
Click on one of the trips from your search results to see detailed steps of your transit options, what fares to pay, and print or save your trip for easy viewing offline. When you select a trip, the route will be displayed on the map.
Not leaving right now? Plan My Trip will let you set a time and date for your trip so you can plan an upcoming trip or traveling at a certain time of day.
By default the tool will show you transit options if leaving immediately. To change this, click the "Leave now" drop-down menu and choose either arrival or departure time and enter in the time and date of your trip.
Tailor your trip for how you want to travel! Click the "Trip options" link to the open the menu.
Optionally, you may customize parts of your trip based on your needs.
By unchecking the box below, your trip-specific details will not be included with this report. We use this trip information to better understand and troubleshoot your issue.