Rider using mobile device

Open Data

Community Transit makes data available to software developers, researchers, and other members of the public. These data resources include schedule information, real-time arrival predictions and vehicle locations, service alerts, and GIS data.


By accessing Community Transit’s GIS, GTFS and GTFS-RT Data, you acknowledge Community Transit's Open Data Terms of Use.


The General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) is the industry standard data format for transit schedule data. Community Transit provides schedule data in this format for all Community Transit bus service, as well as Sound Transit routes operated by Community Transit.

If you are using Community Transit’s GTFS data, please be sure to keep your data up to date. Community Transit typically has four service changes throughout the year: two larger service changes in the spring and fall, and two minor service changes in the summer and winter. 


Official documentation for the GTFS Specification may be found here.

To supplement the official GTFS specification, we provide additional documentation specific to Community Transit’s GTFS data here..


GTFS-RT is the industry standard data format for providing arrival prediction data, live vehicle locations, and service alerts. An extension of GTFS, GTFS-RT must be used in conjunction with an agency’s GTFS data.

Community Transit publishes three GTFS-RT feeds:

  • Trip Updates. This feed provides predicted arrival or departure times for stops throughout a trip, as well as information on trips or stops that have been cancelled or re-routed. Click here for a sample of the Trip Updates Feed.
  • Vehicle Positions. This feed provides the locations of vehicles currently in service. Click here for a sample of the Vehicle Positions feed.
  • Service Alerts. This feed provides information on disruptions to service. Click here for a sample of the Service Alerts feed.

Official documentation for the GTFS-RT Specification may be found here.


GTFS-Flex Data

GTFS-Flex is an extension of the GTFS standard. It helps include more types of transit services that aren't part of the original GTFS.

With GTFS-Flex, transit agencies can now include info about:

  1. On-demand services, like dial-a-ride or paratransit
  2. Route deviation services where vehicles can go off the fixed route
  3. Continuous stop services where vehicles can stop anywhere along the route to pick up or drop off passengers

Adding this flexible service data means that trip-planning apps can show regular and flexible transit options. People can more easily plan trips that use different types of transportation.

So, while GTFS is all about fixed-route transit, GTFS-Flex broadens the scope to include flexible, on-demand, and non-fixed-route services, making trip planning more versatile.


    Official documentation for the GTFS-Flex Specification may be found here.