We make it easy for you to get started. Click through our Rider Guides to learn what you need to know to get where you want to go.
Plan your route, learn about fares, and learn some simple tips before you go.
An affordable, faster, and less stressful way to commute to and from work.
Accessibility is a top priority for us and we have several ongoing programs that make getting around the region easy and safe.
Learn about our online trip planning tools
Learn the basics and find helpful tips on how to use Community Transit's online tools like Plan My Trip and Find My Bus.
Fares vary based on routes and categories. The easiest and best way to pay is with an ORCA card, but cash is still an option.
Riding with kids doesn’t have to be stressful. Learn how to make the trip smooth for everyone.
People of all ages and abilities are invited to use our services. Learn about reduced fares for riders ages 65+, trip-planning tools, accessible services, and more.
Riders of all abilities are welcome on our vehicles. Whether it's buses, paratransit, or Travel Training, we can help you find the transit options that work best for you.
We can help! Most items can be picked up the next business day at the Ride Store. We hold on to them for 14 calendar days.
Bikes and buses are a perfect complement to any commute. Learn more about our racks and storage locker options.
Here’s what you need to know to keep your animal and other passengers safe.
We’re working together to create a safe environment for all riders.
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