In This Section

Announcement Icon

We’re here to help.

Safety concern? Call Security at (425) 521-5900. For urgent, dangerous, or life-threatening issues, please call 911.

Non-urgent issue? Call security or submit an online report and our team will assist you.

a group photo of Community Transit safety and security staff

Safe transit for all

At Community Transit, we strive to ensure every ride is safe, comfortable, and enjoyable for all. Our riders and employees should be treated with courtesy and respect. Help us make riding transit a positive experience for everyone by following our rules and guidelines.

We work with other regional transit partners to ensure riders across the Puget Sound feel safe. Learn more at

Rules of Conduct

Our Rules of Conduct are here to help educate riders and to provide transparency. These rules apply to everyone using Community Transit services and facilities. Breaking them may result in being denied service or access to our properties.

View our Rules of Conduct

No place for hate

Your safety matters. Hate, harassment, and abuse are not tolerated.

Help us keep our services safe by reporting any incidents that you witness or experience. Call Security at (425) 521-5900 (5:15 a.m – 11:45 p.m.). In emergencies, call 911

For questions unrelated to safety and security, call Customer Care at (800) 562-1375, (425) 353-RIDE (7433), or use TTY at 711 (available Monday – Friday, 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. and Saturday 8:30 a.m to 4 p.m.).

Our Safety & Security Team

Many people work together to keep riders safe and to ensure that everyone follows our Rules of Conduct. Learn more below about the employees, transit deputies, and authorized contractors who contribute to transit safety. Riders who fail to comply with these rules may be excluded from accessing transit services and facilities for a designated period of time.

a CT security officer monitoring the Security Operations Center
Security Operations Center (SOC)

Community Transit’s SOC provides assistance, answers calls, and deploys resources during security incidents and in response to related requests. The SOC is open daily between 5:15 a.m. and 11:45 p.m. 

two Transit Security Officers partrolling on-foot
Transit Security Officers (TSO)

TSOs assist with questions, patrol transit facilities, and respond to incidents to help keep people safe while taking transit. TSOs can confirm fare payment and help ensure that people follow our Rules of Conduct. They work closely with transit deputies, social workers, and transit employees.

a Transit Police Unit officer making a call on a police radio
Transit Deputies

Transit deputies are law enforcement officers who respond to calls, and help enforce laws and our Rules of Conduct on transit services and at transit facilities. Deputies may also issue a citation when a person fails to pay their fare. The Transit Police Unit is employed by the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office.

a Service Ambassador assisting a rider with a posted route map
Service Ambassadors

Ambassadors provide customer service at transit centers, bus stops, and on buses. They help answer questions and confirm rider fare payments.

a Social Worker speaking to a rider on a bus
Social Workers

Social workers connect people to resources and help remove barriers to support. They provide assistance to law enforcement and security officers and help address people's needs. They are employees of Snohomish County Human Services.

A smiling bus driver stands in front of a CT bus.
Community Transit Employees

All Community Transit employees can help answer questions and connect you with the help that you need. Every rider and employee plays a part in keeping transit safe for everyone.

Riding basics

icon of a hand holding an ORCA card
Pay your fare
icon of two hands shaking forming a heart shape
Respect others
(no harassment or fighting)
icon of a pair of headphones
Wear headphones
a no smoking icon
No smoking, vaping, marijuana, drug, or alcohol use
an icon of a tent crossed out
No loitering, camping, or lying down
an icon of a person disposing of garbage into a recepticle
Take litter with you when you leave