Community Transit has been blogging since January 25, 2010. An archive of our first blog is available at, and our current blog, which combines new releases and information about the agency, is available on our news and events page.

We welcome your comments — thanks for participating!

We ask that you abide by these simple rules:

  • Please keep your comments civil and to the point.
  • We review all comments before publishing them. Community Transit or its staff will not edit posted comments.
  • Community Transit may, at its sole discretion, decide not to post a comment or remove spam, obscene, profane, false, abusive, off-topic, or inappropriate comments.

Posted comments do not represent the official position or views of Community Transit.

Community Transit Social Media Rules of Engagement

You can find Community Transit on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. We’ve created places in these digital spaces to encourage conversation, share updates, answer questions, host live chats, and more.

Help us keep these spaces a safe, positive experience for all by following our Social Media Rules of Engagement:

  • Keep your comments civil and to the point.
  • Community Transit may, at its sole discretion, decide to remove spam, obscene, profane, false, abusive, off-topic, or inappropriate comments.
  • Community Transit reserves the right to take down photos, images, and other materials violating any intellectual property right of another.

Repeated offenses of these Rules of Engagement could result in being blocked from our virtual communities. Please be respectful and kind to your fellow community members.