Pictured above: A person pulling their ORCA card out of their wallet.
Community Transit will lower costs for riders who qualify for reduced fares starting March 1, 2025. Additionally, riders who qualify will be able to use the Subsidized Annual Pass with Community Transit. Here’s what you need to know.
Lowered reduced fare rate
We’re lowering our reduced fare from $1.25 to $1 to align with other transit agencies in the region.
Rider eligible for reduced fares include:
*Eligibility requirements apply.
Use your ORCA card for reduced fares
Eligible riders must have an ORCA card to pay reduced fares. ORCA is the easiest way to pay for transit and allows riders a two-hour transfer window. People who qualify for reduced fares should make sure they pay the new rate if they buy a monthly pass since passes are non-refundable. The reduced fares monthly pass will drop from $45 to $36. Learn more about reduced fares here.
Subsidized Annual Pass will be accepted
If you qualify, you can start using the Subsidized Annual Pass to ride Community Transit buses at no cost to you on March 1. This pass also works on Everett Transit, King County Metro, and Sound Transit.
You may already qualify for the Subsidized Annual Pass if you live in King, Pierce, or Snohomish counties and are enrolled in one of these benefit programs:
How to sign up for the Subsidized Annual Pass:
Learn more about the Subsidized Annual Pass here.
DART fares will remain $2.50
The reduced fare is not accepted on DART paratransit. People who ride DART will continue to pay $2.50. However, if a DART rider qualifies for and gets a Subsidized Annual Pass, they will be able to use it on DART starting March 1.
Learn more
For full details about Community Transit fares , visit our Fares & Passes webpage.