A Community Transit bus traveling through a wintery Snohomish County scene.

Travel easier with Community Transit

It's the best time to try Community Transit. We're your local transit provider — making it easier for you to travel around your community, as well as connecting you to other transit so you can go even farther.

close-up of an Orca card

Thanks for your interest!

The ORCA card promotion has ended. Interested in travelling with an ORCA card? Learn how you can save money and easily transfer from bus to other transit with an ORCA card.

Learn more about ORCA

close-up of an Orca card

Sign up for a FREE ORCA card!

Ride buses, light rail, and more with a complimentary ORCA card. Sign up before Jan. 31, and start the new year by riding transit and saving money.

Sign up for your FREE ORCA card here

Go even farther with an ORCA card

Sign up for our promotional ORCA card and go farther. With the recent Link light rail extension, Snohomish County residents can now ride the bus to a light rail station at Lynnwood City Center Station, Mountake Terrace  Station, and Shoreline North / 185th Station. When you use your ORCA card to transfer from a bus to light rail, you don’t have to pay two full fares — your first-leg fare counts toward the second leg of your trip within a two-hour window.

a Swift bus arriving at Lynnwood City Center Station with the CT Ride Store and Link light rail in the background
Save money and avoid parking hassles

Whether you're going shopping, seeing a matinee at the theater, checking out a cool art exhibit at the museum, or attending a sporting event, Community Transit can help get you there. There are so many great destinations you can get to with light rail, and you can enjoy an easy bus ride to connect to light rail.

See the convenience of riding the bus to light rail

Explore our Region

See how easy it is to travel by public transportation in our region. With Link light rail now serving Snohomish County, connecting to light rail by bus is now even more convenient. Community Transit also connects you to other transit, including ferries and the Sounder Train. See popular destinations you can get to, and learn how you can use your ORCA card to easily transfer to get even farther.

Get to popular destinations 

Here are a few popular destinations you can ride transit to. See how you can get to these with Plan My Trip.

An image of a baseball game happening at T-Mobile Park.

T-Mobile Park
1250 1st Ave S
Seattle, WA 98134

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An image of Kraken Community Iceplex at Northgate. Source: Wikimedia Commons. By: SounderBruce

Kraken Community Iceplex
10601 5th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98125

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An image of the Space Needle at Seattle Center.

Seattle Center
305 Harrison St
Seattle, WA 98109

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An exterior image of Lumen Field.

Lumen Field
800 Occidental Ave S
Seattle, WA 98134

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