Community Transit is here to get you where you want to go. We are proud to be a part of the Silver First community — we live here, ride here, and drive here. Wherever you need to go in Edmonds, feel good about how you get there.
Silver firs is a census-designated place just northeast of Mill Creek in Snohomish County. The population was 20,891 at the 2010 census. People traveling to and from the area can choose from three bus routes served by Community Transit. DART paratransit service and Vanpool also offer local transit options to the area. Nearby bike trails also serve pedestrians and bikers.
Big changes are coming to Community Transit as we prepare for light rail to reach Snohomish County later this year. Starting on March 30, you’ll have more travel options in Snohomish County, better transit connections across the region, and more bus service in your area.
Route 116 (Silver Firs – Edmonds) is being eliminated and will be replaced with new bus routes starting March 30. This means if you currently ride Route 116, you will need to take a new route to reach your destination.
Route 116 and Route 196 are being combined into the new Route 166. On Route 166, the bus will travel on the same path as Route 116 from Silver Firs through Mill Creek, until it reaches the Alderwood Mall. The bus will then stay on Alderwood Mall Pkwy and travel the same path as Route 196, with a stop at Lynnwood Transit Center on its way to downtown Edmonds.
For travel along 200th St SW, 68th Ave. W near Edmonds College, 208th St. SW, 72nd Ave. W, and 212th St SW, riders will use the new Route 114.
For travel along Main and Dayton streets in Edmonds, use the new Route 102. Route 102 also continues east along a new path on 212th St SW.
Your bus will come more often! Routes 102, 114, and 166 will operate all day with buses running every 30 minutes during peak travel hours on weekdays.
New Route 166 from Community Transit on Vimeo.
Major service changes are happening on March 30 and again in August of 2024. The best way to prepare yourself for these changes is to learn about how they will affect you.
Visit the Service Changes page on our website to see a full list of route changes that are happening on March 30. This page provides a comprehensive list of route changes, including maps, videos, and instructions on finding your new route.
We highly suggest you sign up for Rider Alerts on the Community Transit website to receive digital notifications via text or email about construction, holidays, severe weather conditions, and upcoming service changes.
For additional questions or comments about the upcoming service changes, contact Customer Care, available Monday to Friday from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. at (800) 562-1375 or (425) 353-RIDE (7433), TTY: 711, or via email at