Our diverse fleet of buses, vans, and services are designed to enhance the transportation options for all of the riders we serve. Community Transit will make reasonable modifications to policies and
practices where needed to avoid discrimination on the basis of
disability and to ensure accessibility.
All of our buses have low floors, with only one step from the ground to the main floor of the bus, and most also have a “kneeling” feature to make boarding even easier.
Every bus is equipped with a wheelchair lift or ramp and our drivers are trained to assist people with disabilities in boarding and securing their wheelchairs.
Major transfer points, intersections, and destination points are announced along Community Transit routes. On Swift buses, all stops are announced as the bus approaches the station. Riders can ask the driver to announce any specific stop along a route. All Community Transit buses also have digital signs that display the next stop. At stops served by more than one route, announcements identify the route name or number as buses arrive.
Our goal is to make all bus stops and station platforms ADA accessible for people with disabilities. We regularly gather feedback to understand and address any barriers to using our stops and services.
All of our transit centers and Swift stations are accessible.
All Park & Ride locations have designated parking spots for people with disabilities.
Community Transit and DART strive to serve anyone in a wheelchair or scooter who can safely board and ride our buses.
Please bring a Personal Care Attendant (PCA) if you need help over rough terrain or steep slopes.
Also bring a PCA if the combined weight of you and your manual chair is more than 350 pounds. These conditions can be a safety hazard to you, the driver and the vehicle.
If you use a mobility device and you have steps at your residence or destination, arrange for someone to help you up and down the steps.
If you use a power scooter, it is safer for you to sit in a bus seat while riding on the vehicle. We will help you to a seat and make sure your scooter is secured.
Currently, the combined weight of user, mobility device and all belongings and accessories cannot exceed 800 pounds.
Your chair or scooter must not extend into the aisle after being secured.
We encourage you to back your devices onto the lift when loading, as this will facilitate a more successful boarding.
For safety reasons, drivers will not push power chairs or scooters.
Service or guide animals are allowed on all Community Transit
Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), service animals must be harnessed, leashed or tethered, unless these devices interfere with the service animal’s work or the individual’s disability prevents using
these devices. In that case, the individual must maintain control of the animal through voice, signal or other effective controls.
DART paratransit service is for riders living with a disability prevents them from using Community Transit fixed-route buses. DART serves qualified riders who can’t access fixed-route bus service and who require additional support. To qualify, riders must participate in an in-person rider assessment interview.
Book a ride with Zip — our on-demand ride service — for quick and easy door-to-door trips anywhere within one of our service areas. Wheelchair-accessible vehicles can be requested when booking a trip.
Community Transit offers a free Travel Training Program for older adults, people with disabilities, English-language learners, or anyone else who may need a little extra help learning to ride the bus.
Training is customized to meet each person's needs, whether the individual desires general bus riding orientation or in-depth, one-on-one training. Group presentations are also available. Please call (425) 348-2379 for more information.
Community Transit fixed-route and DART buses strive to serve anyone in a wheelchair or scooter who can safely board and ride our buses. If you use a mobility device and are planning a trip on a fixed-route or DART bus, please follow the guidelines below.
By unchecking the box below, your trip-specific details will not be included with this report. We use this trip information to better understand and troubleshoot your issue.