Fast, frequent, convenient

Swift bus rapid transit (BRT) makes it easy to get around locally and connects you with regional transit options to get you farther faster. New to Swift? Learn more about how to ride.

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Buses come every 10 minutes on weekdays

Swift is like light rail on wheels — buses stop at every station and are so frequent, you don’t need a schedule. Buses come every 10 minutes on weekdays and every 20 minutes during evenings and weekend. 

icon of a person boarding a bus

Rapid boarding & seamless service

To keep things moving swiftly, riders pay at the station before boarding at any door. Fares can be paid with an ORCA card or at a ticket kiosk with cash or credit card. Swift buses only stop for about 10 seconds at each station. Signal priority technology and bus lanes keep Swift running quickly through traffic.

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Service for all

All Swift stations are accessible and Swift buses can accommodate wheelchairs, walkers, strollers, and bikes.  All buses have low floors, with only one step from the ground to the main floor. Announcements are made for every Swift stop. 

bus station icon

Stations & signs designed for your convenience

Thoughtfully designed stations include rain shelters, lighting, and seating. Digital signs display real-time information about when the next bus will arrive. 

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ORCA savings & reduced fares

Swift fare is the same as other local bus fare and riders never pay more than $2.50 per ride. Reduced fares are available for riders 65 and older, riders with disabilities, Medicare cardholders, and people from low-income households. Youth 18 and younger ride free. When you pay using an ORCA card, your fare payment can be transferred between rides on buses and light rail for two hours after you first use your card. 

Swift network has you covered

See where you can catch a Swift bus. Future network expansions are also on the way!

Swift Blue Line icon
Swift Blue Line

Blue Line runs between Everett Station and the Shoreline North/185th Station and connects with Swift Green Line at Highway 99 & Airport Road.

Swift Green Line icon
Swift Green Line

Green Line runs between Seaway Transit Center near Boeing-Everett and Canyon Park Park & Ride in Bothell. and connects with Swift Blue Line at Highway 99 & Airport Road

Swift Orange Line icon
Swift Orange Line

Orange Line runs between Edmonds College in Lynnwood and McCollum Park Park & Ride in Mill Creek. It connects with Swift Blue Line at Highway 99 & 196th Street in Lynnwood and shares stations with Swift Green Line on Bothell-Everett Highway in Mill Creek.

Swift Gold Line icon
Swift Gold Line (coming as soon as 2029)

The Swift Gold Line will bring fast, frequent, and reliable bus service to north Snohomish County by connecting downtown Everett to downtown Marysville and Arlington. Learn more about the Swift Gold Line project and opportunities for engagement

Ready when you are

Buses arrive every 10 minutes on weekdays and every 15-20 minutes on early mornings, evenings, and weekends.

Switch Bus schedule chart
  • Swift service begins at 4:15 a.m. weekdays, 6:00 a.m. Saturdays, and 7:00 a.m. Sundays.
  • The last bus leaves each terminal at 11:00 p.m. weekdays, 10:00 p.m. Saturdays, and 9:00 p.m. Sundays and holidays.
  • Buses arrive every 10 minutes on weekdays and every 15-20 minutes on early mornings, evenings, and weekends.
  • Our Trip Planning Tools make planning your trip on Swift easy.

Learn more about how to ride Swift

Two Ways to Pay

Graphic of ORCA card reader

Tap with ORCA. Your ORCA card is the best and fastest way to pay because it automatically gives you a two-hour transfer to buses or other transit, such as light rail. Just tap your card and hop on!

Learn more about ORCA
Graphic of ticket vending machine

Buy a ticket. Pay with cash or credit card at a ticket kiosk on the station platform. Tickets are valid only on Swift and until the expiration time shown (2 hours). Always keep your ticket as proof of payment (and a souvenir).

Learn more about tickets and how to pay


An ORCA card provides an automatic two-hour transfer to buses or other transit.

With a Swift ticket, you can transfer to another Swift bus until the ticket expires. Transferring to any other bus will require another full fare for that bus.

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Swift Orange Line

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